Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Nowhere to Run

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are looking up, for your redemption draweth nigh.

     Today I want to talk to you about "Nowhere to Run".  Thirty years ago I was praying for a particular woman and the Lord showed me a vision.  I saw the woman running flat out as hard as she could.  The ground beneath her feet was dry and cracked, lined.  She ran until suddenly the ground stood up in front of her like a wall.  She turned slightly and ran in another direction with all she had until, again, the ground rose up in front of her, making a wall that stopped her in her tracks.  The Lord then took me higher so I could look down on this scene.  He showed the woman running on the palm of His hand and as she neared an edge, He'd curl His fingers in to make a wall.  No matter how hard or fast she ran, the woman was held securely in the hand of Jesus.  This vision gave me much comfort concerning the woman I was praying for and the Lord has often brought it to my memory throughout the years.

     In Exodus 13:2, God told Moses, "Whatsoever opens the womb is Mine."  Were you born through a womb?  Then you are His.  No matter how hard or fast you try to run from Him you are already in the palm of His hand.  There is nowhere to run.  The Psalmist put it this way:  "Where shall I flee from your presence?  If I ascend up into Heaven, thou art there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.  If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me."

     What are you running from, beloved ones?  Your past?  Jesus was there.  An uncertain future?  Jesus is there.  Are you running from making Him Lord of your life, giving Him control?   Are you running from a calling you know He's put upon your life?  Stop running.  You're just making yourself exhausted and you are going nowhere.  You are His.  You are being held securely in the palm of His hand.  Surrender to Him and find rest.

     If you have loved ones who are running from God, take comfort from the vision He showed me.  No one can flee the presence of God.  There is literally nowhere to run.

Surrendered and Secure, Raelynn

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