Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Who am I?

Good Morning my Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are having a blessed day and are being a blessing to others.

         Today I want to talk to you about "Who am I?"  I Corinthians 1:27 says that God has chosen the fooolish things to confound the wise and the weak things of the world to confound the mighty.
     God called a man who stuttered to speak to a world ruler to free a nation from the bonds of slavery.  God called a teen-aged boy to kill a giant who defied His army.  God called unlearned fishermen to persuade thousands of people to accept Christ's sacrifice and to establish the early church.  Each of these had asked, "Who am I that you would use me?"

     God does not call the able.  He enables the called.  Have you ever felt foolish, weak, or not of much use?  If so, get ready.  You are just the type of person God calls to do His greatest work.
     Suppose for a moment that God sent a hostage negotiator to Pharoah, a decorated war hero to slay Goliath and famous motivational speakers to introduce Christ to the Gentiles.  We'd likely see the same results in each scenario, but who would get the glory for the successes?  No one expects much from stutterers, children and unlearned men.  When mighty feats are done by them, they are the first to give credit where credit is due.  The glory goes to God.

     Some of the greatest prayer warriors in the kingdom of God are those who cannot go and do:  the elderly, the paralyzed, the incarcerated.  They use the function still left to them - prayer - and prayer changes things.
     If life hasn't dealt you the hand you'd choose to play; if you find yourself asking, "Who am I to do anything important?", be encouraged.  You are just exactly the person that God can call, enable and use mightily.

     My friends, don't focus on your inability, but on God's ability.  You could just be the next Moses, David or Peter.

Not mighty, but mightily used - Raelynn

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