Saturday, January 31, 2015

Just Because

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you greet each day with excitement and that anxiety has no place in you.

     Today I want to talk to you about "Just Because".  We all have reasons for the things we do.  Matt Redman wrote a song called "Ten Thousand Reasons" about why he loves and serves Jesus.  One anniversary, I had made a little booklet for my husband called "100 reasons why I love you".

     Have you ever done something seemingly on impulse and when asked why you did it, responded, "Just because"?  Even though you couldn't think of a good response at the time or were embarrassed to say, rest assured you had a reason for what you did.

     There are thousands of references to God's love for us throughout the Bible.  You will not find the word "because" in any one of them.  There is not one reason why God would love us enough to give us life, sacrifice His Son for us, provide our every need.  He just does.

     Aren't you thankful God's ways are higher than our ways, beloved ones?  Aren't you glad we can't earn or deserve God's love?  God loves us.  He doesn't have 10,000 reasons, 100 reasons, or even one.  He just does.  No because.  Wow!

Just another reason I love Him, Raelynn

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