Saturday, January 24, 2015

Majority Rules

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that the Son is shining on you today and you are hidden in the shadow of the Almighty.

     Today I want to talk to you about "The Majority Rules".  When I was growing up, the kids in our neighborhood would decide if we were playing Red Rover or Hide N Seek by a vote.  We'd each raise our hands for the game we wanted and the one with the most votes won.  When a protest arose, the others would always shout "The majority rules!"  And it did.

     There is a saying in Christendom, "God + one is a majority".  I don't believe that.  I believe God is the majority.  He doesn't need a person to give Him the edge.  If the battle were God vs. the world, mark my words, God would win.  He is the majority and the majority rules.

     When my daughter was going into 7th grade and my son into 2nd, the Lord called me to begin homeschooling my children.  This was a daunting enough task as I'd need to do it while still working full time, but to make matters worse, my children's fathers from whom I'd been divorced, decided to take me to court in order to keep them in public school.  These two men who previously despised each other suddenly became buddies in their effort to keep me from homeschooling my children.  They each hired lawyers and I was subpoenaed to appear.

      Frantic, I ran to my Lord in prayer.  He very calmly spoke peace to my soul and told me that the battle was not mine, but His; that I was to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.  He further instructed me not to hire a lawyer, nor take anything into the courtroom with me but a song in my heart and confidence in my Lord.  He told me not to prepare ahead of time what I would say, but He'd give me in that hour the words I should speak.  I knew the ex's and their lawyers would be preparing.  I had to make a decision to trust God.

     I'll never forget watching both men enter the courtroom with their new wives, parents, siblings, witnesses, and lawyers with file folders and expanda-files full of papers.  I walked in with my purse.  I remember them snickering, hi-fiving each other and planning to go out for a celebratory drink afterward.  I remember feeling the peace of God flowing through me as I hummed, "The Battle Belongs to the Lord".

     Then it began.  When they accused me of not being qualified, the Lord gave me the Arizona state statute (which I had never read) to recite that says in AZ a biological parent may homeschool his child through the grade that he, himself, had completed.  When they brought up the issue of socialization, I reminded them of recent school shootings and drugs in school and asked them if this was the socialization they wanted for their children.  I assured them that Jerod's little league team, Jessica's ballet class, the youth groups they attended and the neighbor hood kids they played with would be socialization enough.  When they touted all the benefits of public school, I told them of my daughter who was allowed to slip through the cracks of the public school system, who going into junior high was reading at a 4th grade level and didn't know her times tables.  I told them of the public school teacher who told me that with 30 kids in her class, she didn't have time to hold my daughter's hand to keep her from falling behind.  I told them that as her mom, I'd make the time.  Each time a charge was leveled at me, the Lord gave me the response I was to give. The battle was not mine, but God's.  The majority rules and the judge allowed me to homeschool my kids.

     Oh my friends, don't allow circumstances or people who plot to make your life miserable put you in fear.  You have the Almighty on your side.  Give Him your battle to fight.  He is the majority and the majority rules!

Victorious through Christ - your sister, Raelynn   


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