Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dimestore Pearls

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are basking in the Sonshine and are soaking up the love of God today.

     Today I want to share one of my favorite stories with you.  Today I want to talk to you about "Dimestore Pearls".

      Once upon a time there was a little girl who saw a set of pearls in the window of a dime store.  She instantly fell in love with them and asked her daddy to buy them for her.  He couldn't refuse her.  She got the pearls, put them on, and never took them off again.  She slept in her pearls, bathed in them, wore them to school, to church and to play.  They were her prized possession. One day her daddy approached the little girl and asked her to give him the pearls. 
     "Why do you want my pearls, daddy?" she asked, clutching them in dismay. 

     "I just want you to give them to me", he answered.
     "Do I have to?" she asked.
     "No, you don't have to", he answered.
     "Good!"  She sighed in relief and skipped happily away, pearls still around her neck.
     A week passed and again her daddy asked for the pearls.  Stricken, the little girl asked, "Do I have to?" and when he said "No", she walked away from the encounter still clutching her pearls.
     Several weeks later, the daddy once again asked the little girl to give him her pearls.  "Do you really want them?" she asked with tears in her eyes.
     "I really want you to give them to me", he answered.
     "I really love these pearls, daddy", the little girl replied.  "They are my special treasure".  She slowly undid the clasp, removed the pearls from her neck and extended them to her father.  "But I love you more, so you may have them."
     The father smiled, put her pearls in his right pants pocket and from his left pants pocket withdrew a set of priceless genuine pearls.  As he clasped them around her neck, he told her, "I bought these for you the day I saw how in love you were with your dimestore pearls.  But I knew you would not be ready for them until you were ready to give up the fake ones.  Because you loved me more than your greatest treasure, I am giving you something even better."

     We are the little girl, beloved ones.  The daddy is our Father in Heaven.  Oh, the treasures He has for us if we would but love and trust Him enough to let go of the things we prize most:  our homes, our jobs, our cars, pride, even our family.  If we would entrust the Father with these out of our love for Him, we'd be amazed at what He gives us in return.

     The devil's job on this earth is to get us so caught up with our "dimestore pearls" that we won't turn loose of them and are never ready to receive the priceless things the Father has had all along and is waiting to give us.  Has the Father been asking you to give something up?  They are only dimestore pearls, my friends.  Hand them over and see what He gives you in their place.
     "Fear not little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom" - Jesus Christ (Luke 12:32)

In His love, Raelynn

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