Saturday, January 10, 2015

Daily Bread

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you make the most of this day for it is God's gift to you.

     Today, I want to talk to you about "Daily Bread".  When the Children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness, God supernaturally provided food for them.  In the morning, the ground would be dusted with a layer of fine wafers that looked like coriander seed and tasted like honey.  It was nutritious, tasty and filling.  It could be baked, boiled, and prepared in variation.  It was everything they needed.  The people would gather what they needed for the day, then the sun would melt it all away and there would be a fresh layer the next morning.

     Some people tried to eat the food the next day that they'd gathered previously only to find it moldy and full of worms.  They were not meant to live on yesterday's meal - they were to gather it fresh each day.  God did instruct them to gather double for the Sabbath, though, because none would be provided on that day.  When the Sabbath came, the food they'd stored up was as fresh as if they'd just gathered it.

     In Matthew 4:4, Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God".  The Word of God has become our daily bread today.  God has provided it supernaturally to us.  It is nutritious to our souls, satisfying and sweet to the taste.  It is available to us fresh every day.

       If we are not gathering the Word daily and ingesting it, but are merely trying to live off what we learned in Sunday School as a child, the Word becomes moldy to us - full of worms.  We no longer have a desire for it.  We don't see its benefit to us or view it as the miraculous provision it is.  It becomes distasteful and something we avoid.  Also, God has told us there is a time coming when the Word won't be readily available as it is today.  We are to gather now against that day.

     Fill yourselves with the precious bread God provides for us daily, beloved ones.  It will sustain you when the famine comes.  If we are trying to live off yesterday's meal, we are missing out on His perfect provision for today.

     "Give us this day, our daily bread..." It was what Jesus taught us to pray; it is our instruction for today.

Be filled, my friends, and hunger no more.  Raelynn  

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