Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Stovetop Christianity

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray you are each experiencing the blessing of the Lord and are feeling His presence as you go through your days.

     Today, I want to talk to you about "Stovetop Christianity".  Now, don't go looking in the Bible for that phrase - you won't find it.  I just made it up to illustrate the concept I am bringing forth.

     A Stove top usually has 4 burners: 2 in front and 2 in back.  Except in the case of large families, get-togethers or professional cooks, the back burners are rarely used except as a spot to let something rest or cool.  In fact, front burners are replaced three times before a back burner usually needs replacing.

     Having a Sunday School teacher for a mom, my children learned about Christ early on.  At age 5 my son accepted the Lord, fully understanding the choice he had made.  He was baptized at age 6.  At age 9, he was miraculously healed from a sledding accident on Mount Lemmon which had caused many broken bones, a punctured lung, and required him to be air-lifted from the mountain to Tucson Medical Center.  God was front-burner in my son's life - active, cooking, boiling, being stirred.

     As my son approached high school, college, military and marriage, God got relegated to the back burner of his life.  God was still there.  My son still believed in Him, but his life had become too busy to actively interact with God as he had earlier in his life.  There wasn't time for prayer, Bible reading and church-going.  He had a life to live.  His relationship with God was left to cool on the back burner - the one that doesn't get used.

     We all have times like that in our lives, but my prayer is that they are few, far between and short lived.  My prayer for my son every day is that God would become front-burner in his life again.

     Recently, changes have happened in my son's life.  He told me he is talking with God again.  I sent him his deceased step-father's Bible and I pray he is reading it.  A year ago July, my son was miraculously spared in a car accident which destroyed his car in flames.  I see God simmering in my son's life again and I'm praying for a full rolling boil.

     Have you checked your stove-top lately?  Which burner do you have God on?  Is He on low heat, medium, or high - or is He cooling down in your life, set aside on a back burner?  If so, that can change.

     It's time to get cooking again, my friends.  Turn up the heat on your relationship with God and let Him prepare the gourmet life He has for you.

Be blessed my friends, Raelynn

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