Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Difference

Good Morning my Beloved Ones,

     I pray that the peace of God rule in your hearts and that fear has no place in you.

     Today, I want to talk to you about "The Difference".  Jesus told a parable in the New Testament about tares (weeds) that grew up in a field among the wheat.  He cautioned the harvesters to let the wheat and tares grow up together, lest when trying to pluck out the tares they pull up the wheat by mistake.  There is a time while they are growing that the wheat and tares look much alike.

     There is a time while we are growing that believers and unbelievers look much alike as well.  We both sin, question God, try to do things our own way...can anyone identify?  I can.  So what difference is there between the wheat and the tares, the believer and the unbeliever, those who follow Christ and those who refuse to?

     The difference is found in the fire.  Everyone experiences fires - trials, unpleasant difficult circumstances in their lives, and it's in these fires that a person's true character is revealed.

     The Bible in Kings, Chronicles, Isaiah, Ezekiel and many other places talks about a people upon whom judgment has come that they might recognize the error of their ways and turn their hearts to God.  These people instead harden their hearts and blame and curse God for their circumstances.  These are the tares.

     Then there are those who are refined in the fires, who allow the impurities to be burned off, who come forth as pure gold.  They are the ones who glorify the Lord in the fire (Isaiah 24:15).  They are the wheat.

     Come harvest time, the difference between the wheat and tares is obvious.  The wheat is gathered into the storehouse and the tares are gathered and bound to be burned.  The growing season is nearing its end - harvest is upon us.  Is there a difference between you and the unbeliever?  How have you responded in recent fires?

     There is a difference my friends, and soon it will be obvious to all.  Be among those that are gathered into the storehouse.  I don't know about you, but I've had enough fires in my life to want to avoid an eternal one.  I choose to glorify God in my fires.  I choose to be wheat.

Preparing for the harvest, Raelynn



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