Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Challenge

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that peace, joy and love are able to overcome all the negatives in your life.

     Today I want to talk to you about "The Challenge".  At the beginning of each new year the Christian radio stations in my area offer their "30 day challenge".  They challenge listeners who just flipped onto their station by mistake or who are just checking it out to listen to nothing but Christian music for 30 days and watch how God begins to change their lives.

     I want to share the stories of some who have taken and completed the 30 day challenge.  One was a man who had anger issues and was often violent toward his wife and children.  He said the music calmed him, made him less angry and some of the teaching on the station actually gave him tools to manage the stresses causing the anger.  His wife declares him to be a different person after just 30 days of nothing but Christian music.  Another testimony was by a 19 year old girl who had never felt loved or wanted or like she belonged anywhere.  Her mom had the station on in the car and she heard the message that Jesus loved her just as she is with all her faults and failures and she decided that if that was true, maybe life was worth living after all.  Christian radio radically changed her life.

     And I have a testimony as was listening to a segment on Godly parenting that caused me to see how I'd thrown away my son for a man that wasn't even faithful to me.  I pulled the car over, wiped my eyes and called my son to ask forgiveness and our relationship is now being restored due to Christian radio.

     I know that God uses this avenue to speak to His people.  A person can be agonizing over a situation in his life and a song will come on that speaks directly to the problem he is having.  It is one way God uses to tell his people, "I'm here, I know, I care, I can help."

     So today, my friends, I am extending the challenge to you.  Some of you already listen to Christian music, some do not, and some listen off and on.  The challenge is this:  Listen to nothing but Christian music for 30 days via radio, mp3, however you get your music.  If you can't find a Christian radio station in your area, you can always stream it online.  Here is a link to the station I listen to: after 30 days, come back to this letter and leave a comment sharing the difference you are beginning to see in your life.  I believe that everyone who is faithful to the challenge will see a change for the better.

Are you up for the challenge?   Raelynn

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