Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Blame Game

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that you are in good health and are prospering even as your soul prospers.

     Today I want to talk to you about "The Blame Game".  I'm sure you've heard the old saying that when you point your finger at someone else, there are three pointing back at you.  No one wins the blame game.  The truth is we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, so why blame another when we are guilty too?

     But what about when we blame God?  As the days darken and our society continues in a downward spiral, crime and destruction are on the rise.  Not too long ago there was a school shooting where 20 children under the age of 10 were killed.  I heard many people say, "I can't believe in a God who would allow that" and "If God cares, why didn't He stop this?"  People point the finger at God when a drunk driver takes a loved one or tragedy befalls them in some way.  While they are pointing at God, where are the other three fingers pointing?  They, themselves, may not be personally to blame, but mankind certainly is.
     There are only two things God cannot do:  lie, and break a promise.  Most of the time we are grateful God doesn't break His promises to us.  He's the only One we can count on to always do what He says He will do.  When God created man, He gave him free will.  He promised not to violate that free will.  Man can choose how to live his life and what actions to take.  But when man chooses to go on a shooting spree in a public place or drive a car while intoxicated, we blame God for the outcome.  How does that make sense?
     We've got it backwards, my friends.  It is in those times when our minds scream, "I can't serve a God who would allow this" that we need to realize "I need God to get me through this".  God doesn't violate free will to keep bad things from happening, but He does bring life from death and bring good things out of bad circumstances.  When man is done wreaking havoc, God is there to bring comfort, peace, strength, bring people together, and turn their hearts toward Him.
     Do you know someone playing the game of blaming God?  Ask the Lord to help you show them the truth about God's role in the circumstances.  He's not to blame.  He is there to bring order from chaos, and comfort to their souls.  I can't imagine how people endure tragedies without God.  It'd during the times that we would push Him away that we need Him most.

     Don't blame God when tragedy befalls you, beloved ones.  Cling to Him, draw on His strength.  His grace is sufficient for you.

Love in Christ, Raelynn

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