Wednesday, December 24, 2014

You are Needed

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that each day you go to work you are thankful for the job and the God that gave you the ability to do it.

     Today I want to talk to you about "You are Needed".  One of the basic, core needs of every individual is to feel needed.  If we are not needed by anyone for any reason, what is the purpose of living?

     I was reading in Genesis 46 and 47 where Joseph brought his family from Canaan to Egypt.  He instructed his family to ask permission to live in Goshen (outside of Egypt proper) because they were shepherds and shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians.  When Pharoah asked Joseph's brothers what they did for a living, and they replied that they were shepherds, he told them to live in Goshen, not so they'd be out of the Egyptian's sight, but rather because the land was fertile for sheep.  He also told Joseph to make the most competent of his brothers the chief herdsman over Pharoah's own livestock.

     Egyptians looked down their noses at shepherds; they would put them away out of their sight.  The ruler of the Egyptians did not.  He gave them fertile land.  He needed them to tend his own sheep.  Men look down at those less fortunate or prestigious than themselves.  They want to shove them away out of their sight and pretend they don't exist.  The ruler of men (God) does not.  He has chosen the poor of this world to be heirs to the kingdom James 2:5 tells us.  He needs each and every person He created or He would not have created them.  Our God is an intentional God.  He didn't create you for the heck of it. You are needed, beloved.  And like Pharoah with Joseph's brothers, He has a very specific job He needs you to do.

     The next time you feel unneeded, stand before the ruler.  Tell Him what you do, and He will not only show you what He needs you for, He will put you in the best place in which to accomplish the task.

     Don't worry about what men think of you, friends.  Every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.  Present yourself to the ruler and find out just how important to Him you are.

Love in Christ, Raelynn


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