Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Another Statistic

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray you are redeeming the time for the days are evil.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Another Statistic”.  Last year something happened that drastically changed my life.  We had a speaker at church from Gospel for Asia.  He made a statement that reached in and grabbed my 
soul and hasn’t let me go since.  He said, “With every beat of your heart, another soul slips into Hell.”  I put my hand over my heart and felt how often it beat, and tears welled up in my eyes.

     I’ve been a Christian for over 30 years.  My call has always been to the body of Christ – to encourage, teach, uplift, exhort – to enable them to stand and be effective in the end times, to encourage them to continue when they feel like quitting, to help them realize their own calling in Christ.  It was someone else’s call to reach the lost, to talk to the hurting and wayward ones and show them the Way.  So while I knew the lost were dying and going to Hell, it wasn’t really my problem. Until now.

     The Lord opened my eyes that morning in church.  He showed me that the Great Commission was not just to pastors.  We are all to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”  He also showed me that I felt safe ministering to the body of Christ.  They already believe.  They won’t reject me or think I’m off my rocker.  He told me that He desired me to do both – represent Him to the body of Christ and to the lost and hurting who need His salvation and deliverance.

     In that moment, God put a fire in my soul and a determination in my heart.  I determined that with every beat of my heart, I didn’t want someone to become another statistic sliding into Hell.  I want to change  the statistic.  With every beat of my heart, I want another soul to find hope and eternal life in Jesus Christ.  He gave me a boldness and confidence and took away the fear of rejection and ridicule.  He began putting strangers in my path for me to minister to.  By the grace of God, no one I meet will become just another statistic.

May the Lord grab your heart and change your lives, beloved ones, as He did mine.  Your sister, Raelynn

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