Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray you seek out every opportunity to do good to others, to be a blessing and portray the love of Christ.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Hisabled”.  Recently a good friend of mine, one of my beloved ones, suffered a stroke.  I sat at lunch with her watching her struggle to put her thoughts into words.  I could see her concentrating, her mouth working, but the brain just couldn’t make the connection.  It was very frustrating for her.  A few days later, in my prayer time, the Lord prompted me to write her a letter telling her that though she has trouble communicating with others right now, she can still freely communicate with God.  It’s just a brain injury – not a spirit injury.  She could use this as an opportunity for praying on behalf of others and turn this time into something valuable.  She could help change people’s lives.  She could turn a disability into Hisability.

     Have you ever noticed how people with Down’s Syndrome seem to have a sweet innocence about them and an uncanny, seemingly unnatural ability to love?  I believe that’s because God gives them a piece of His spirit to compensate for the defective gene, much in the same way one who is blind will have a keener sense of hearing or a fine-tuned sense of touch.

     People so often think there is something “wrong” with someone who is disabled.  I’d like to submit to you that the disabled could be more “right” than many we see as whole.  Beloved, if you suffer from any type of physical or mental disability, I would tell you “it’s not a spirit injury.”  Submit your time and efforts to God.  Let Him use you for His kingdom and His glory.  Go from being disabled to Hisabled.


Love in Christ, Raelynn

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