Wednesday, October 29, 2014

No Fear

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that you walk each day with your heads held high and your hearts bowed low.


     Today I want to talk to you about “No Fear”.  I was talking to a friend recently who was sharing that though he’s accepted Christ, is praying and doing all that he knows to do, he still feels like he’s on the edge of a nervous breakdown.  He’s crippled by fear and anxiety and is even taking medication to control it.  Maybe some of you have found yourselves in my friend’s shoes.  I am here to tell you that you don’t have to live in fear.  There is help, there is hope, there is an answer, and it’s not found in medication.

     Before I injured my knee, I would walk 8 miles every morning.  I would leave at 5:30 am, and between October and February it would still be dark as I began my walk.  I was warned that the neighborhood I walked in is not the safest and was asked, “Aren’t you afraid?”  The answer is no.  I used wisdom:  I walked on the busiest streets, under streetlights, avoided shadows and parking lots and carried my phone.  But these were not the reasons I wasn’t afraid.   You see, the whole time I was walking, I was in communion with the God I had dedicated my life to serving.  It would be extremely foolish for someone to accost the servant of the Most High God while they are in His very presence.  I have no fear because I know who I know.  I am God’s and I am confident that He is able to keep me from or through any circumstance that may befall me.

     The key to living without fear, I told my friend, is in relationship – in truly knowing God.  Don’t be satisfied with saying a prayer and securing salvation, beloved ones.  Seek out God.  Read about Him in His Word.  Spend time communing with Him, spend time being still and learning to hear and recognize His voice.  Allow his truths to transform you.  Come to the place where your one desire is to please and serve Him.  When you do these things, you’ll come to realize that God is bigger than any worry or fear.  When worries try to plague my mind or my heart leaps into my throat in fear, I remember Whom I serve, and the fear leaves.  I know Who I know. 

No God, know fear.  Know God, no fear.

Becoming fearless, Raelynn

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