Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Command Center

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that your spirit is filled with a sense of urgency and that your heart remains at peace.

     Today I want to talk to you about “The Command Center”.  Every morning when I walked in my neighborhood, I would walk past a store front building called The Command Center.  There were always a lot of cars parked in front of it and through the front glass I could see lights blazing, a TV tuned to CNN, maybe 50 folding chairs and anywhere from 20-40 men seated inside – at 5:30 am.  Each morning as I’d pass by, I’d wonder what was going on inside.  The “Command Center” sounds military, but the men were dressed in t-shirts and jeans.  The name of the building and the CNN led me to believe the men

might be political activists or vigilantes.  It wasn’t long before I’d discovered the truth about the Command Center and a spiritual truth as well.

     One morning as I walked by the Command Center, there was a man standing by the sidewalk smoking a cigarette.  I told him that I see them gathered there every morning and asked him what they do there.  He explained that all these men get up early every morning, get ready and come to the Command Center waiting for work.  When businesses around town are short-handed, they will call and say, “I need 3 men for 6 hours at this location to do this job” and they are dispatched from the Command Center.

     This concept blessed me on so many levels.  First, I was thankful that there is a service like this available and that I found out about it because I know some people who need work that I can send there.  But what blessed me most was that there were so many men willing to work that they will be up, dressed, out the door and ready to go at 5:30 am for just the possibility of a job.  I told the man I spoke to that as I walk each morning, I pray.  I told him I’d ask God to send each man assembled there a job that day.

     As I walked on, praying for these men, the Lord showed me that we all need a “Command Center” mentality.  Those who call themselves by Christ’s name, profess to love Him, claim to serve Him, need to get up out of bed, get dressed and be eager and ready to get the call from their Heavenly Father telling them what job He has for them that day.  Each of the men gathering at the Command Center could choose to stay in bed, lounge around playing video games, make a phone call or two or circle ads in a newspaper.  They chose instead to be ready and available so when the work comes, they can be sent out.

     Let’s be like these men, beloved ones.  Our Heavenly Father has work for us to do.  The harvest is plentiful, our Bible tells us, but the workers are few.  Why are the workers few?  They are all sleeping in, lounging about, or playing video games when they should be at the Command Center.

Ready to Work, Raelynn

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