Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Living Sacrifice

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that you are slow to anger, quick to forgive and that you also extend that forgiveness to yourself.

     Today I want to talk to you about “A Living Sacrifice”.  A while ago the Lord spoke to me in my quiet time.  It sounded like He was addressing one of the seven churches in Revelation:  “I see your works, that you’ve been faithful in this and that, but I have this one thing against thee.  You’ve dedicated unto Me your time, your money, your talent, but you refuse to let Me rule your body.  You still feed it anything you want, and are too lazy to exercise regularly.  You let My temple fall into ruin.”  So of course, I repented, started walking before work each day, started watching what I eat and vowed to give Jesus lordship over my physical body.  I was faithfully dedicated to this endeavor for six weeks – then I went on vacation.

     I didn’t bring my walking shoes for my week away – I was going to sleep in, relax.  I was on vacation.  I wasn’t going to worry about what I ate – I tried new restaurants, snacked while watching TV and movies I don’t get to watch at home.  I was on vacation.  Over the course of a week I’d had pizza, cocktail weenies wrapped in bacon, chocolate, an entire bag of Doritos and I slept in and lounged around all week. 

     When I got home on Monday, I went for my walk and started eating healthy again.  Vacation was over.  But my poor body!  I got stabbing pains in my stomach and spent all Monday night vomiting.  My stomach still hurt and I had a headache all day Tuesday.  Wednesday, I was still queasy and nearly skipped church that evening.  Thank God I went.  The Pastor quoted Paul in Romans 12:1, “I beseech you, therefore, brethren that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable act of service.”  In that moment the Lord showed me that the foods I’d put into my body were like poison to my previously cleansed system - no different than drugs or alcohol.  He also showed me that I hadn’t just taken a break from my routine as I told myself, but I’d taken back lordship of my body.  I’d taken back my living sacrifice.

     The problem with living sacrifices, beloved ones, is that they have a tendency to crawl off the altar!  The Lord is gracious and merciful.  He purged my body of the poison I’d put in it and I am once again on track with diet and exercise and am submitting my body unto God.

     I pray you are submitting your bodies as a living sacrifice unto God, my friends, in whatever manner He requires of you.  Let Him be Lord of all.  It is our reasonable act of service.


Making sure the sacrifice stays on the altar, Raelynn


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