Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Natural Disasters

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray you get more excited by a beautiful sunset, a newborn baby, and helping someone in need than you do about who wins the Super Bowl or American Idol.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Natural Disasters”.  I recently got a letter from one of the ministries I support, Gospel for Asia.  The letter was an urgent plea for prayer and aid to the regions of India recently hit by a strong cyclone.  The cyclone left thousands dead, homes and churches destroyed and devastation everywhere it touched.

     What’s happened in India has been happening all around the world: earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes like Katrina all wreaking havoc on our planet and its people.  These phenomena have been increasing in frequency and severity in recent years.  Why?  Is God punishing us?  Is He trying to wipe out His creation like He did with the great flood?

     No, beloved ones, these are not supernatural disasters orchestrated by an angry God.  They are not sent by Him to punish us.  These are natural disasters brought on by the sin nature that caused our world to become broken and fallen and worse than God created it to be.  God did not create nor intend death.  The wages of sin is death, Romans 3:23 tells us.  Natural disasters are a by-product of sin and the devastation that it brought to God’s perfectly created earth.  As sin abounds and multiplies in the earth, so does its effects. This accounts for the increase in frequency and severity of natural disasters.

     God knew this would happen, of course.  He warned us in Matthew 24:7, 8, “For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.” 

     Natural disasters are the natural outcome of a world steeped in sin, but thank God, He provides supernatural help.  He gives us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. 

     Be not deceived.  God is not mocked.  Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap, but where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.  (Galatians 6:7, Romans 5:20).

Serving the One who supercedes the natural.  Raelynn

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