Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Transformational Meditation

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that you are able to discern between the “wisdom” of this world and the wisdom of God and are choosing to walk in the truth.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Transformational Meditation”.  Did you know that the Bible encourages us to meditate?  Meditation gets a bad rap because Transcendental Meditation is used in mysticism and eastern religions as a way to achieve a higher level of consciousness.  God want us to achieve higher levels of righteousness.  He uses Transformational Meditation.  Let me explain the difference….

     Psalm 1:2 encourages us to meditate on the Word of God day and night.  Phillipians 4:8 tells us to meditate on the things that are virtuous and worthy of praise.  David pled with God to let the meditations of his heart be acceptable in God’s sight (Psalm 19:14). 

These are examples of Biblical meditation.  It means to think on, ponder, carefully consider, and when we do, it transforms our mind (hence, the catch-phrase “Transformational Meditation’).  It is the filling of our minds with the good things of God and being transformed into the image of His Son.  It is the polar opposite of Satan’s counterfeit – Transcendental Meditation.


    Satan wants us to meditate too.  But his type of meditation involves emptying our minds and chanting mantras (which are often the names of demonic gods), and allowing free access of our minds to spirit guides (demons) who will lead you to enlightenment (the belief that you are a god yourself).

     Don’t be deceived, beloved ones.  Think, ponder and carefully consider how you choose to meditate.  God’s way fills your mind with His Holy Word and makes you more like Jesus.  Satan’s way empties your mind and makes you more like him.

Transforming, not transcending - Raelynn

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