Saturday, November 22, 2014

Family of God

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

     I pray that you are being watchful, vigilant, guarding your hearts, for the enemy is ever watching for an opportunity to ensnare you.

     Today I want to talk to you about "The Family of God".  The holidays are upon us.  For many it is a joyous time of family, food and fun.  For many others, it is a time of loneliness, depression and isolation.  We were created to be part of a loving family and as those familial feelings are heightened during the holidays, the lack of family is also more keenly felt this time of year.

     My mother once told me as a teenager that "blood is thicker than water".  She was telling me that the friends I was adamantly defending would not always be there for me, but family would be.  I've found her words to be true.  She was talking about our natural family, but I have found an even closer bond with the Family of God. 
     In the family of God, you have a loving Father who is patient, kind, who protects and provides, who never leaves or forsakes you.  No one is fatherless in the Family of God.  In this family, you have an elder brother, Jesus, who always stands up for you against the bully and who desires to be your closest friend.  And that's just the beginning...the Family of God is made up of countless thousands of brothers and sisters all bound by that same blood that was shed once for all and has cleansed us from our sins.  Jesus' blood is truly thicker than water.

     Growing up, I was the oldest of four, with three younger brothers.  How I longed for a sister to share clothes, Barbies and secrets with!  I found these sisters in the Family of God.  I know without a doubt that Susan, Evelyn, Sandy, Jeannie and Lori would be there for me the instant I was in need, no matter what that need may be.  We share a closeness I've never experienced with natural family and friends - a bond forged by the blood of Christ.

     I now have brothers with whom I share a special bond as well.  The Associate Pastor from my church in Benson, Joe, after a long day at work came to Tucson to move my furniture from one apartment complex to another across town.  He did it in the rain, got home after dark, didn't complain and wouldn't even take gas money.  He did it because he loves me - because I am his sister.

     What a wealth of love and family the Lord has given to each of us if we will avail ourselves of them!  If you've made a commitment to Christ and have been cleansed of your sins by His blood, you are a part of this family.  You need never be lonely or dread the holidays again!

     Find a good Bible-teaching church where people greet you when you come in and you can feel the genuine love of God.  Then get involved.  Attend Bible studies, special events, and get to know your extended family.
     Thank you Lord, for the blood of Christ - for its cleansing and healing power and for the large and loving family you've gift-wrapped for each of us with that scarlet ribbon.

Your sister in Christ,  Raelynn 

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