Saturday, November 29, 2014

Less Christian

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that you are availing yourself of every gift God has graciously provided for you.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Less Christian”.  I was talking with a friend of mine who works for a faith-based organization and she made a comment I’d heard from her on several occasions before: “I’m just not as Christian as some of the others that work here”.  Have you ever felt that way – that you are less Christian than some other believers you know?  Let me share with you what I shared with her.

     Jesus didn’t die less for my friend than for someone else.  He didn’t forgive less of her sins.  If you’ve accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, beloved ones, you are 100% Christian.  What my friend meant was that she doesn’t go to church every time the doors are open.  She doesn’t read her Bible when she’s not at church.  She doesn’t have a prayer life beyond meals and urgent needs.  She’s not as “Christian” as others she works with.

     What would Jesus say to these things?  He’d say that her Christianity is a free gift and not something she has to work for (Ephesians 2:9).  We tend to think that once we’ve accepted Christ and gained salvation, we now have to go to church, read our Bibles daily and spend hours a day in prayer.  You don’t have to do any of those things, beloved ones.  You get to.  Jesus also said in Mark 2:27 that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.  You were not created to go to church, read the Bible and pray.  These things were created to be blessings to you.

     In this country we still (for a little while) have the freedom to gather publicly and worship God.  We can feel His presence when we are gathered in one accord and one place.  We can hear encouragement and get direction and correction from a man whose whole job is to bring you words of life, grace and hope each week.  We can open the instruction manual the God of the Universe wrote for us any time we want and read how we are loved, protected and never forsaken.  We can share our innermost thoughts, deepest secrets, darkest fears with One who already knows, loves us anyway and is able to help and we can hear Him speaking to us through His word, through the preaching and in our spirits.

     If you are not availing yourselves of these precious gifts, my friends, you are not less Christian.  You are less blessed.  Walk in confidence of who you are in Christ and take advantage of all the gifts He’s blessed you with.

100% Christian and becoming more blessed each day,  Raelynn

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