Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Water Everywhere

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that you are no longer wise in your own eyes, but are full of the wisdom of God.

     Today, I want to talk to you about “Water Everywhere”.  “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters…and God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so.”  Genesis 1:6, 9

     One of the hardest concepts for people to get their mind around is that of the trinity:  One God in three separate personalities but still one God.  Over the years of teaching children, I’ve often used an egg to illustrate the trinity.  One egg in three parts: shell, white, yolk, each of which can be used separately, but all 3 parts make up one egg.  Recently though, I heard a better illustration for adults.  God is like water.

     In our passages from Genesis referenced above, we see that in the beginning, water was everywhere.  It had to be divided to create sky, and gathered into one place to create land.  Like water in the beginning, God is everywhere.  This water represents the Father, the Creator, Almighty God.  This water had no limits, no boundaries, was so vast it is hard to imagine.  This water could not be contained or held in one’s hand.

     But God, in His infinite wisdom, knew there would come a time when mankind would need a tangible God: a savior, one whom they could touch and interact with.  So as in Genesis 1:6, when God divided the waters from the waters, He allowed part of Himself to be manifested to us as Jesus, the Son of God.  He would be born in the form of a baby to live and grow as we do, to experience everything we experience, to feel what we feel, to learn the effect sin has on us, to die like we die.  Jesus can be represented as an ice cube:  still water, but in tangible form.  You can hold it in your hand, you can ingest it, it can become part of you.

     The Holy Spirit can be likened unto steam.  Again water, but in the form of vapor that we cannot see, but fills the air and we can see and feel its effects.  Steam is a form of power and the Holy Ghost is the power of God.

     No one can explain God.  He is unfathomable, a mystery, but God wants us to know Him and understand His purposes in our lives.  I hope this description better illustrates who God is for you, beloved ones.

     Jesus said to the woman at the well in Samaria, “…but whosoever drinketh of the water I give him, shall never thirst again.”  Drink of the living water and thirst no more.  He’s not hard to find.  There is water everywhere.


Wading in deeper - Raelynn

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