Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray your vision is improving day by day so that you are increasingly able to see the things which are unseen and eternal.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Circumstances”.  When we hear that word, it usually brings a negative picture to our minds, doesn’t it?  There’s a reason for that.  This word can be broken down into two parts:  circum (which means to go around.  We get our word “circumference” from this root) and stance (which means to stand with feet firmly planted).  A circumstance then, is anything that goes around your firmly planted ideals or plans.  We don’t like it when things happen contrary to our ideals and plans and that’s why we generally view circumstances in a negative light.

     God is a great user of circumstances.  His first use of them is to motivate people to pray.  Think about your own prayer life for a minute.  Most of us would have to admit that the majority of our prayers are about our circumstances.  If not for circumstances, some of us would not pray at all.  But this is only one way in which God uses this mighty tool.

     Isaiah 55:9 says “For as the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Our first thought in the midst of circumstances is to follow the world’s example:  When in times of fear and doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.  Our second thought is often to pray and ask God to fix our circumstances.  God’s thoughts are much different.  He is not interested in fixing our circumstances.  He wants to use our circumstances to fix us.

     Do you realize, beloved ones, that no circumstance can come upon us unless God allows it?  He is sovereign.  He doesn’t bring things contrary to our plans and ideals to upset us.  He brings them to fix us.  Sometimes we are firmly planted in wrong beliefs, unforgiveness, stubbornness, or something else he wants to circumvent in our lives.  Sometimes we are just rooted in complacency, not motivated to pray or minister God’s love to others.

     The circumstance in which you find yourself is a tool in the hand of God, my friends.  Thank God for your circumstances and instead of asking Him to fix them, ask Him to let them fix you.


No longer a victim of circumstance - Raelynn  

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