Saturday, October 4, 2014

He Who Hesitates

Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that your mind is sharp and your tongue isn’t and you know when to use each one.

     Today I want to talk to you about “He who Hesitates”.  “He who hesitates is lost”, the saying goes.  I saw an example of this on TV the other day.  I was watching American Ninja Warrior.   It’s an intense athletic competition as athletes around the US try to become the first American to complete an intimidating and grueling Japanese obstacle course called Mt. Midoriama.
  The competitor I was watching was hanging from a metal bar 14’ in the air and had to jump the bar from one set of rungs to another several feet away.  There were six sets of rungs to this particular obstacle.  The man quickly jumped through the first four, but on the 5th he hesitated, losing his momentum and came just short, falling into the water below.  He lost his chance to become the American Ninja Warrior.

     In Acts chapter 26, the Apostle Paul had been ministering to King Agrippa.  In verse 27 he says, “King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets?  I know you believe.”  And Agrippa hesitated.  He responded.  “Paul, you almost persuaded me to become a Christian.”  Agrippa never did make that step and he was lost for eternity.

     Are you hesitating to step out in the things to which God is calling you, beloved ones?  Has He been knocking at the door of your heart for salvation but you’ve been hesitant to answer?  Is He calling you to a ministry, into a closer walk with Him, or to give up something that is not beneficial to you?  He who hesitates is lost.  Don’t be Agrippa, my friends, or the one who falls just short of his goal.  Genesis 6:3 tells us that the Holy Spirit will not always strive with man.  We only have so many chances.  We never know if this one will be our last.  Heed His call beloved ones – hesitate no more.

No longer lost, Raelynn

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