Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Good Morning My Beloved Ones,

      I pray that every day you are looking for opportunities to glorify your God.

     Today I want to talk to you about “Unfiltered”.  If you are a child of God and have asked Jesus into your

heart, you have the mind of Christ.  Did you know that?  It’s true.  Read 1 Corinthians 2:16.  Why then, are our minds so un-Christ-like so much of the time?  It’s because they are unfiltered.  We sit in this world, listen to those around us, sit in front of the flat screen for hours a day or surf the web and we allow everything we say, hear, think, watch, do and feel to come right in.  The mind of Christ gets cluttered with the excess of the world until sometimes we forget it’s there at all.

     Here is a diagnostic for you: “Hot dogs, Armour hot dogs, what kind of kids eat Armour hot dogs?”  Can you list them?  Now try this one:  “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.”  What kind of little children does Jesus love?  Can you list them?  This simple test can give you some insight into how cluttered your mind is getting.  What’s getting in and staying put: more of the world or more of Christ?  Maybe nothing is getting through…oops!

     Don’t despair, beloved ones.  I have a filter for you.  It’s found in Phillipians 4:8.  “Whatsoever things are true, honest, pure, just, lovely, of good report…think on these things.”  With the filter in place, you can choose what goes into your mind and what to reject.  Let’s say you go into a dentist’s office and a nice soft rock station is playing and John Lennon’s Imagine comes on.  “Imagine there’s no Heaven…”  Wait a minute! “…whatsoever things are true…”  Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you.”  So the filter rejects the song and doesn’t let it in and the mind of Christ is less cluttered with the useless excess of the world.
     Phillipians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you which is in Christ Jesus.”  It’s already there, but we’ve got to allow it to function as it was designed to function.  We’ve got to apply and use the filter.  Think about what an unfiltered cigarette does to a lung.  That’s what an unfiltered mind does to the mind of Christ.

Something to think on - Raelynn    

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